About us

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With backgrounds in international recruitment, spanning over five years, five continents and a multitude of industries, we know what makes you stand out to a prospective employer, and we’ve helped hundreds of candidates do just that.

We’ve also been in your position before, so we know how tricky it can be to articulate your experience and skills into a clear, concise and appealing CV or cover letter. We know how frustrating it can be to feel prepared for an interview, but nerves just get the better of you once you’re in the room and you can feel that dream job slipping away.

Our goal is to take all of that hard work from you and empower you to head into that interview feeling confident and prepared. Over the past five years, we’ve supported candidates from entry level to CEOs to perfect their profiles and succeed in achieving their career goals – please see our testimonials section for more.

We provide CV and cover letter writing services – whether that’s from scratch, or re-writing, LinkedIn profile support, interview skills coaching, mock interviews, and career coaching. Please see our services & pricing section for more.